11 February 2008

8th Month Jitters

With 4 and a half weeks to go, I'm having mixed feelings. On one hand, I would like to regain control over and comfort within my body again. On the other, that means that I will have to push this seemingly massive creature out. As I'm more of a planner than a spontaneous gal, I hate not knowing when this is going to happen. There are, in fact, too many unknowns - when will I go into labor, how long will I be in labor, how awful/scary/painful is it going to be, will the baby be OK, will I be OK, will it be a boy or a girl, will it have a cool birth date or one that nobody can remember, and so on. This is what happens to your thought process when you've got too much time on your hands.

Speaking of birthdays, I just had mine last week. It was the first birthday (since high school) that I couldn't go out and get hammered. That was a little depressing. And I tried to make a layer cake, with Lachlan's help, but it collapsed when we took it out of the oven. It looked more like two frisbees than sponge cakes. So we did what had to be done and slathered it with custard and whipped cream. On the day after my birthday, Lachlan and I went to a nice restaurant for lunch. When we arrived, we were the only patrons. But about 5 minutes later, in walked Geoffrey Rush! My back was to him when he walked by, but Lachlan got a really good look. I was soooo close to playing the birthday card and asking for a photo with him, but my inner old fart got the better of me.

Chelsea started school a couple weeks ago, and it has been wonderful for all of us. How beautifully quiet the house can be. More importantly is that Chelsea will be learning lots of new things and making new friends in the area. All things considered, she has adapted really well to living with us and living in a new country on the other side of the world. It's amazing how much all of our lives have changed in one year. This time last year we had just a fool's hope of gaining custody of Chelsea. Now she's with us and she has a new brother or sister on the way. So, more change to look forward to. OK - last chance to submit your guesses! Boy or girl, weight, and let's add birth date for fun. My next post will hopefully be all about the baby. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! xx


At 1:39 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look great! There's something to be said for that connection that you and the baby only have - it doesn't seem like it now, but there'll be moments when you'll miss the kicking! Here's our guess: little girl, 8lbs 4oz. Please have Lachlan post pics asap! We are so happy for you all - best wishes and happy baby! :)

At 3:07 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bernie,
You look so lovely, even if you don't think so. My guess is a health little baby girl, 7lbs 10oz. and beautiful. love ya, Carol

At 5:26 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see I'm not the only one to have noticed your glow, you really do look lovely! Really, the baby is a boy about 3kilos, 600gms. That's our best guess. And born on the 29th of Feb. of course!


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