11 April 2008

Getting Settled

Skye is 3 weeks old now and the time has really flown by. Mommy is recovering well from the c-section and is starting to learn Skye's different cries. Dad has been a wonderful support person and has the magic touch with settling Skye. Chelsea is becoming a very helpful big sister and is learning how to share the attention and wait her turn. Jackie has been the perfect family dog and knows how to be a gentle giant around Skye. And Skye is getting bigger every day and taking in more of the world all the time. She is now about 10.34 pounds and 21.65 inches long. In short, we have all grown a lot in the past 3 weeks!

Here are a few more recent photos for your amusement and enjoyment. Stay in touch!


At 2:55 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's such a little sweetie, getting bigger, more alert, more beautiful, with each passing day. This is a time to cherish.
Love, Mom & Horst

At 5:32 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful!!! :)

At 11:51 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Bernie - she is just adorable....it is good to hear that your recovery is going well and that the adjustment for everyone too!

Please keep sending pictures....crazy to think it's been three weeks already....

Gayle and Chad


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