17 September 2008

The Many Faces of Skye

I've never celebrated anyone's "half-year" birthday before, but then again I have never had a baby before either. Skye turns one-half on Saturday the 20th and I couldn't be more excited. She's coming along great, getting bigger, chunkier and more fun every day. As you'll be able to see in the photos, Skye has just learned how to sit up on her own. I could see the pride in her face the moment she realized what she had accomplished. She is also eating an assortment of solid foods. I'm not sure that puree can really be described as solid, but whatever. Skye has gobbled up apples, bananas, butternut squash, pears, and sweet potato. She's getting pretty good at it, too, even opening her mouth for me when she sees the spoon coming at her. I've been making the purees myself (pats self on the back) and they all taste pretty good (except for the sweet potato - those of you who know me well know how much that crap makes me gag). Skye has also just graduated to the "Step 2" formula which apparently has added nutrients for the 6-12 month old bub. She is still sleeping like a dream, but waking up just a little bit earlier than she used to. Hopefully when daylight savings begins, it will go back to the former wake up time of 7:30. She's not crawling yet, but she seems determined to get places. Skye is not content to sit still for long periods of time. With her determination, I think she will be mobile soon. No teeth have poked through yet, but it seems like this should happen any day now. She's still a big nose chomper. And she is obsessed with my coffee mug. Jackie (the dog) has been the most successful in making Skye laugh. Last week, I was playing tug of war with Jackie, using one of Lachlan's good socks, and Skye thought it was the funniest thing ever. And this afternoon, Jackie was tearing around the back yard burning off some energy and it proved to be very entertaining. It's great hearing her laugh. That about does it for the Skye update. Chelsea is excelling at school. She recently had to speak in front of an audience, answering questions about what her class was going to perform at a concert. Everyone thought she was fantastic. I think we have a future actress on our hands. And with that, I will close and let you enjoy the following pictures.


At 8:22 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

She seems to be saying "Hmmm, what can I get into now?" Love Chelsea and Jackie together, also.
Love, M&H


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