04 December 2008

Over the Big Puddle

Skye had a great time in the States meeting her American family and friends. She was a bit shy at first, clinging anxiously to me and wondering who all the new faces were. But by the end of our trip, she seemed more at ease with the many different environments I exposed her to. We spent time in Racine/Kenosha WI, Dallas TX and a few hours in L.A. It will be fun to tell her about it when she gets older, as I'm sure she will not remember the experience. I'll emphasize how difficult she was on the planes - perhaps that will provide me some leverage one day. She learned how to crawl and said her first word ("mama!") a couple nights before we left. Anyway, on with the photos!


At 2:34 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great seeing both of you! Thanks for coming over - I know you must have been constantly on the run! Hope you visit again soon!


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