25 November 2010

Giving Thanks

The year 2010 has been one of significant change and upheaval for me and my daughter, but now that we are settling in to our new home I realize that we have much to be thankful for.  I'm thankful for my family, especially my brother and my parents, who have supported me and my decisions, the good and the not-so-good.  I'm thankful for my true friends, both in the States and in Australia, who have kept in touch with me and kept my spirits high.  I'm thankful for my dog, Jackie, my ever-faithful companion, who is more human than dog.  I'm thankful for the Commonwealth of Australia, for the opportunities she has given me and the assistance she provides to single mums like myself.  I'm thankful to have a home of our own, even though it is a rental, it is our peaceful sanctuary.  I'm thankful for my health and the health of my daughter.  I'm thankful for the Melbourne Opera Company, who fills my soul with the most glorious music for me to play and experience.  Finally, I'm most thankful for my daughter, Skye, who makes me laugh and smile every day, and gives me hope for the future.  Happy Thanksgiving.


At 2:51 am , Anonymous Mom said...

Beautiful!! And we are thankful for both of you. Love, Mom and Horst


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