Great Expectations
11 weeks and 4 days... I've never been that specific, even when counting down the days until Christmas. When you're pregnant, it's all about what "week you're in." For me, it's more like how many more weeks of nausea, irritability and exhaustion do I have to put up with? I'm pretty sure that I could burp the alphabet if given the chance. This first picture was taken right at the time I found out - about 5 weeks. Shortly after that, the misery started. Now, apparently I look more like "Don" from Sesame Street (according to Lachlan). Not the best look, I'll admit.
Let's see, what else is going on? I'm close to being finished with nursing classes. Once I get through the next two weeks in the nursing home, it will go by fast. Not sure if I'm going to work much as a nurse while I'm pregnant, perhaps one or two days a week. We've also got to find a new place to live, as we were just given an official notice to vacate by 24 October. Hopefully it won't take 8 months to secure our new place like it took to get this one. We've got our eyes on Williamstown - a beautiful, beachside suburb about 25 minutes from the city.
The Melbourne Opera is in full-swing with double-bill performances of Suor Angelica (Puccini) and Cavelleria Rusticana (Mascagni) opening this weekend. I'm sitting 1st desk this time, as a couple of regular players couldn't do this one. So I've got a couple of "solos" to play - not too shabby. A bunch of us were also "featured" in Silverchair's new video "If You Keep Losing Sleep." You can see the video here. I'm in there somewhere! The guys were great to work with. Lachlan finally quit the Trading Post job and is now working full-time at Fedex/Kinko's in the city. He doesn't miss the 90-minute commute.
Chelsea is loving Kinder and her ballet classes. She's going to play a little reindeer in the end of year performance "The Nutcracker." Jackie shows few signs of slowing down, constantly craving walks and trips to the dog park. And that should catch you up for the most part. Oh yeah, the due date is 14 March 2008 and we're going to keep the gender a surprise until the big day. Now it's about time for my afternoon nap...