Smiles, Burps and Drool
We've reached the 8 week mark, and Skye will be 2 months old on Tuesday! I can't say that she is much more settled than a month ago, but she's pretty consistent at night time. We've got a bedtime routine now that includes a bath, cuddles and songs, "massage", putting on her pj's (which are the same as her day clothes...), feeding, and more cuddles and lullabies. Then I put her down in her crib and she usually sleeps from about 8 pm until somewhere between 5 and 6:30am. I now go to bed before 11pm, which is weird for me. But since she doesn't give me any time to nap during the day, I need to get all my sleep in at night. She used to HATE baths, but she loves them now. I think she likes getting mommy soaking wet. She's discovered that her feet can make a big splash. But then she hates getting out of the bath. We usually get to the feeding part of her bedtime routine before she stops crying. On the positive note, she is smiling at us a lot now. It's so cute! We captured a few of her lovely smiles in the photos below.
We have some great news to share. Lachlan got a new job yesterday! He worked really hard on his new portfolio (graphic design), and it paid off. He starts in about 10 days. No more stinking night shift! The job will be a good challenge for him too, and he might have the opportunity to be promoted to management in a couple years. We are stoked! I will be playing in the next opera that Melbourne Opera Company will be doing in June - The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. It will be great to play again after all these months. I'll have to dust off the violin and start practicing so I don't sound like a constipated cow. Chelsea is still loving school and she is one of the best and brightest in her class. Her drawing skills just continue to improve and amaze her teachers and fellow students. She has gone on a sleep-over, and had friends over to our house. Chelsea helps me out with Skye by holding her while I take a bathroom break or a drink of water. I think she is getting used to the role of big sister, and enjoying it most of the time. Her dad and I are very proud of her.