February Fun?
It certainly has been a busy month so far, filled with ups and downs. The downs would have to be the Victorian bush fires, which started on Feb. 7th, the hottest day ever recorded in Melbourne. So many lost their lives, their homes, loved ones, beautiful landscapes destroyed, I could go on and on. The outpouring of support has been phenomenal, though. I just pray that all of the displaced people can find the strength to rebuild and move on from this horrible tragedy.
I had another birthday on the 6th, thanks for all the good wishes. It wasn't the best time to try to celebrate, but I'm just counting my lucky stars that I'm alive and well and so is my family. Chelsea is enjoying being back in school, and diving right into everything she can. Skye is coming along great. Her balance is so good at the moment, I think that she might try to walk soon. She started swim classes at the beginning of the month, and is getting less and less upset each time. The first class was just a big cry fest, the second class she only cried when the instructors came by to take her through the water, and the third class she actually had a few seconds where she didn't cry when the instructors were holding her. We also hosted the mother's group at our house for the first time, and that went pretty well. I am just a few songs away from being finished with my violin duo arrangements, so I'm pretty stoked about that. Lachlan will be working on a website and business cards for me soon...
Hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. xoxo